Who is authorized to send data to an L2P room?
Eligible data or literature to add to an L2p space are the persons entered as managers in this space. Furthermore, the room must have the status "open". Are you not a manager in an L2P space or All the rooms available to you are already closed, so you can not add any literature.
Why do I need to log into the RWTH Single Sign On service, even though I am registered on the UB site?
The two services are not linked.
Why can not I change the content type?
The content type depends on the selected literary object and therefore on the data stored in the catalog of the UB.
Why do not I see any L2P rooms after I retrieve them?
In this case, there are no L2P rooms with the status "open" available and you should receive a corresponding confirmation of the system.
To whom can I contact in case of problems?
Please use this
To inform us by e-mail (it will open your mail client). A reference to your literary project will be sent automatically.
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